- Hey hey hey! - Oh hey! - How you doing? - Yea just fine I guess. How've you been doing? - You tell.. - Probably better off without me pestering, right? - Yeahh! - You... - Anyway, I'll be going somewhere for a couple of days. - Roger you won't tell me where. - Umm.. not now. - Then? - We'll see - What exactly are you upto? - Well I got things to confess. Wanna go out for a walk? It's really been a while. - Fine. Where to tho? - Anywhere. You'll pick me up? - ... - Thanks! So sweet of you! - So this isn't a walk? - That depends on what you make of it! - Be ready in 30 minutes. - I am. - Fine. Make tea for me then. - I'll wait at the bus stop. - You.. - - - You didn't make this, did you? - I did. People can improve, you know right? - Ah well. So where we going? - Anywhere. - There's no 'anywhere' on the map.. - Fine. You tell. Somewhere quiet. - Krabby's? - No - CCD then? - Um - It won't be too busy right now. - Fine - - - ...